Sherief Reda is a Full Professor at the School of Engineering and Computer Science Department, Brown University. He received his BSc (with Honors) and MSc in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. He joined the School of Engineering at Brown University in 2006 after receiving his PhD in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of CA, San Diego. His research interests are at the intersection of computer engineering, machine learning and combinatorial optimization. He is an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to energy-efficient and approximate computing. Prof. Reda has co-authored or edited two books and has over 150 articles in leading conferences and journals. Professor Reda received several best paper nominations and awards. He has been a PI or co-PI on more than $21M of funded projects from federal agencies and industry corporations. He served as a technical program committee member for many IEEE/ACM conferences in his research area, and as an associate editor for ElSevier Integration and IEEE Transactions on CAD. Besides his Academic work, he was a Principal Scientist at Amazon between 2021 and 2023, and he also serves as an expert witness in patent litigation lawsuits. He is currently an Amazon Scholar. Prof. Reda is a holder of five US patents. He is a recipient of NSF CAREER award, and he is an IEEE Fellow and an AAIA Fellow.

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Prof. Reda’s Curriculum Vitae