Recent News:

  • 2024/10: Congratulations to Ahmed Agiza for successfully completing his Ph.D. thesis
  • 2024/09: Congratulations to Jingxiao Ma for successfully completing his Ph.D. thesis
  • 2024/07: new NSF grant to support reseearch for ML-powered EDA methods
  • 2024/05: IEEE Trans on CAD paper with A. Coskun receives IEEE TCAD Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award.
  • 2024/04: Congratulations to Marina Neseem for successfully completing her Ph.D. thesis.

Recent Papers:

  • CPVR ‘24 – MTLoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation Approach for Efficient Multi-Task Learning
  • CVPR ‘24 – PikeLPN: Mitigating Overlooked Inefficiencies of Low-Precision Neural Networks
  • ISLPED ‘23 – WeNet: Configurable Neural Network with Dynamic Weight-Enabling for Efficient Inference
  • Annals of OR ‘23 – Automatic MILP Solver Configuration by Learning Problem Similarities
  • Nature Communications – Digital Circuits and Neural Networks based on Acid-Base Chemistry implemented by Robotic Fluid Handling

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